The world of workplace wellbeing is full of solutions, statistics, ROI justification, white papers and even calls to action. Yet the needle doesn’t seem to be moving. Work related stress, depression or anxiety still account for the vast majority of working days lost due to work related ill health. Nine out of 10 UK employees are either not engaged or actively disengaged (lagging behind the European average of 13% engaged employees) and the pre-pandemic trend of sluggish productivity growth has continued. When do we stop adding to an ever-growing mix and draw the line, saying: “Let’s start afresh and redesign work and the workplace from the ground up”. Kay Needle, Early Intervention & Rehabilitation Expert at Generali UK Employee Benefits, chats with Dr Julie Denning, Managing Director & Chartered Health Psychologist at Working To Wellbeing, also Chair of the Vocational Rehabilitation Association. In this wide-ranging discussion, they consider: • What aspects of work and the workplace contribute to wellbeing outcomes? And how can joined-up thinking across these, benefits, interventions and campaigns be achieved?• What are the barriers / obstacles to action? And how can they be overcome?• Start-ups are taking a completely different approach to work design. At what point do traditional organisations say we need to start afresh?• Will new UK government plans for flexible working from day one of employment provide the impetus for all this?• And what role could / should the ISO45003 psychosocial wellbeing standard play?
Welcome to Wellbeing 360, the essential health and wellness podcast for UK and international HR professionals, line managers and EB consultants, brought to you by Generali UK Employee Benefits, in partnership with the GEB Network.

In this series, we interview expert speakers focusing on early intervention and the benefits of a biopsychosocial approach to the rehab journey. We look in detail at a number of common long-term conditions, in line with relevant international awareness events, and we share some of the latest thought leadership in the UK Health & Wellness space.
All information presented in our Wellbeing360 Podcast represents the views and opinions of the contributors at the date of production and is provided for general information only. Nothing herein constitutes or is intended to constitute financial or other forms of advice, and no individual should rely upon the information provided in making a specific investment decision without first seeking independent professional advice.
Episode 15
What's it going to take to move the needle on wellbeing?
Episode 14
Better workplace mental health support for men
In this episode, we’re focusing on ‘Better workplace mental health support for men’. Generali's Early Intervention and Rehabilitation Expert Kay Needle, is joined Lucas Whitehead, Head of Marketing and Partnerships at nationwide charity Andy’s Man Club, a free-to-attend, peer-to-peer support group, for men aged over 18. Andy’s Man Club was born in 2016, on the back of 9 men, meeting in a small room in Halifax to talk through their issues and help each other deal with their mental health. Fast-forward 8 years and the movement now has groups at over 150 locations across the UK. Their goal is to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health and create a judgement-free, confidential space where men can be open about [to use their words] the ‘storms’ in their lives.
Episode 13
How Vocational Rehabilitation Can Help Bridge The Health Work Gap
In this episode of Wellbeing360, our host Kay Needle, Early Intervention and Rehabilitation Expert, and Dr Julie Denning, Chartered Health Psychologist and Managing Director of Working to Wellbeing, one of our valued vocational rehabilitation partners, discuss how Vocational Rehabilitation can help bridge the health / work gap. We explore the support gap for employees, highlighting that Line Managers often feel unequipped to address health-related issues, while GPs may not feel prepared to discuss work-related concerns.
Episode 12
Stress is often unavoidable, so how do we use it for good?
The numbers of people off work with long-term sickness are rising much faster among the younger generations (16-34 year olds) than those over 35. And mental health issues are now by far the most common work-limiting condition. This prompted a recent article in MoneyWeek to state: “The social causes of mental illness need more government attention…Above all, though, we need to stop the trend towards ‘mass medicalisation of mild forms of distress’. Britain has become more compassionate about mental illness. It now needs to become more thoughtful too.” In this podcast, we’re joined by Karen Royle, Occupational Psychologist and Managing Director of Ways to Work, also a trusted member of the team at Form Health, our early intervention partner. Karen shares with us – through case studies – how to manage stress: when it should be embraced; and when and how it should be reduced.
Episode 11
'Healthy' Sickness Absence Behaviours
We’re delighted to welcome back a regular to our podcast series, Dr Julie Denning, Managing Director & Chartered Health Psychologist at Working To Wellbeing and Chair of the Vocational Rehabilitation Association.In this episode, Julie talks to Kay Needle - Generali UK’s Early Intervention and Rehabilitation expert - exploring absence management from a new angle; one that looks at the underlying drivers – the behaviours – that dictate whether someone takes full absence and recovers, or works through it, risks getting worse, and is simply present but not productive at work. We ask whether presenteeism is being driven by employees not taking time off when they really should. We discuss whether this might be learned behaviour – behaviour that could go right back to our childhood and school days. We also ask whether anything has changed – in terms of presenteeism – since the growth in new ways of working. Does this allow for a more flexible approach to absence and recovery – less of the black and white, sick or not sick, approach to absence? Or, is it facilitating working while unwell.
Episode 10
Why younger workers are prioritising mental health in the workplace
In this episode we’re focusing on the mental health of younger workers. Research has shown that mental health support in the workplace is considered more important by young people than climate change, job security and even economic inequality. So, there are crucial recruitment and retention aspects to this.To help our listeners understand more about youth mental health, and what ‘good’ workplace support looks like , we’re delighted to be joined by Kay Needle, Generali UK’s early intervention and rehabilitation expert. Also, Dr Julie Denning, Chartered Health Psychologist and Managing Director of Working To Wellbeing. Julie is also Chair of the Vocational Rehabilitation Association.
Episode 9
How return to work is evolving
In this episode, we’re going to be asking how and why the approach to return to work after long-term illness is evolving. Traditionally, the individual would be signed off sick, then a review would be scheduled when they felt well enough to return to work. At that stage, return to work support needs would be discussed. But, experience from the world of Vocational Rehabilitation has ensured that thinking has moved on. We now understand much more about the impact of illness. And the fact that it’s not just as simple as a physical or emotional thing. It’s likely to be both. We also now understand the really important role that work has to play in recovery; in terms of giving hope, ensuring people feel valued, supported and equipped to self-manage their condition – throughout recovery, not just at the point of return to work. To tell us more, we’re delighted to welcome back Kay Needle, Generali UK’s early intervention and rehabilitation expert. Also, Dr Julie Denning, Chartered Health Psychologist and Managing Director of Working To Wellbeing. Julie is also Chair of the Vocational Rehabilitation Association.
Episode 8
From Long Covid to ME
In this episode we look at the topical and ever-present issue of Long Covid in the workplace. Reports are now suggesting that people diagnosed with Long Covid for more than 12 months are having their diagnosis changed to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). There’s growing evidence that there are many crossovers between these three conditions, which may all be defined as post-viral fatigue syndromes. Around 17 million people worldwide have ME/CFS.* And around the same number of people have Long Covid in the World Health Organisation European region.** Add to that the fact that around 2 million people in the UK alone have now had Long Covid for at least 12 months, and that the majority of those are of working age, and the case for employer support becomes very clear. *** To help talk us through the overlaps between Long Covid, ME and CFS and provide an overview of what good support looks like, we’re delighted to be joined by Beverly Knops, Executive Manager and Specialist Occupational Therapist at Vitality360, a persistent pain and fatigue specialist and one of Generali UK’s valued early intervention partners. Putting the questions to Beverly today will be Kay Needle, Generali UK’s early intervention and rehabilitation expert.
Episode 7
From Long Term Conditions To Multi Morbidity
In this episode, we're joined by Dr Julie Denning, Managing Director and Chartered Health psychologist at Working2Wellbeing and chair of the Vocational Rehabilitation Association. Also joining us is Generali's own early intervention and rehabilitation expert, Kay Needle to discuss the latest thinking in support for employees with long-term conditions. Around 15 million people in England alone have a long-term condition. That's a condition that has to be managed with drugs or treatment such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke or cancer. And the number of people with three or more long-term conditions or multimorbidity, is ever-rising, bringing with it rising demand for prevention and management. Even long COVID, which is not as prevalent as any of these conditions but is arguably receiving most attention in the media, at least, is now verging into this territory and is also contributing to the wider discussion around chronic fatigue. Such conditions are more prevalent than others, but will undoubtedly impact people in most workplaces. So what are the trends? The latest thinking and support and barriers to progress?
Episode 6
Supporting employees from cancer detection, to diagnosis, and beyond
October and November every year see breast cancer awareness month and lung cancer awareness month respectively. Research suggests that fewer than two-thirds of employees with cancer have returned to work or are still working a year after getting a diagnosis. Job loss is experienced by up to 53% of people living with cancer, and unemployment can be 1.4 times more likely.* In this episode, Tracey Ward from Generali UK interviews Dr Julie Denning of Vocational Rehabilitation expert Working to Wellbeing, and Kay Needle, early intervention & rehabilitation expert from Generali UK, to discuss: 1. How to support employees mentally and physically from prevention to pre- and post- diagnosis 2. How cancer is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and what that means for employers 3. Guidance on planning a return to work suited to individual needs. *…ning-for-managers
Episode 5
October 16th marks the start of Invisible Disabilities week. We continue our long-term condition-focused episodes with a focus on Migraine. According to the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study, headache disorders are among the most prevalent and disabling conditions worldwide.* Research also finds that migraine is the first cause of disability in the under 50s.** Unlike many people suffering from a chronic condition, migraine sufferers tend to continue working, says Professor Andreas Gantenbein, who joins us for this podcast episode, which will help you: Learn more about migraine: what it is, the symptoms, prevalence, diagnosis, treatment and management. Understand what our global health and disability claims experience is telling us about migraine. Discover how employers can provide better support and what’s the latest in individual self-care. About Prof. Andreas Gantenbein: Now working in private practice in Bülach, Switzerland, Prof. Gantenbein is past president of the Swiss Headache Society. He has published more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals related to neurology, headache and pain. Prior to starting his private practice, he was Chief Physician of Neurology at the rehabilitation centre RehaClinic Bad Zurzach where he carried out research and clinical work. * **
Episode 4
What does the push for mental health training for all Line Managers mean for HR?
The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) / Public Health England guidelines on mental health training for Line Managers were published in the first half of 2022; what do they mean for employers? Tracey Ward from Generali UK interviews Dr Julie Denning of Vocational Rehabilitation expert Working To Wellbeing, in advance of Mental Health Awareness Week (10 – 16 May).
Episode 3
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
April is International IBS Awareness month. In the second of our long-term condition focused episodes, we shine a spotlight on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS is the most common gastrointestinal (GI) disorder worldwide with prevalence rates in the area of 10-15%. The cost to society in terms of loss of productivity and work absenteeism is considerable – estimates range from $21 billion or more annually.
Episode 2
Taking the ISO45003 psychological safety standards to action
It’s World Day for Health & Safety at Work on 28 April. In this episode Jason van Schie, Co-Founder of People Diagnostix and FlourishDx and Daniela Masters, Head of Health & Wellbeing Programmes at Generali Employee Benefits (GEB) Network, will help you learn how to put ISO45003 into action, and what others are doing - which industries are really on top of this, which aren’t and what trends we are seeing.
Episode 1
Endometriosis is a chronic disease, with no known cure and affects around 10% (190 million) of women and girls at reproductive age globally. The prevalence of endometriosis in women with infertility can be as high as 30-50%. In this episode, experts from Generali Employee Benefits (GEB) Network and LifeWorks, will help you learn what our global claims experience tells us about endometriosis, discover more about the issue presented: What is it? What are the symptoms? How can it be treated? How can it be prevented? and explore how managers can provide better support.