Say it with daffodils! Celebrating inclusion and gender equality

Generali UKEB got into a Spring vibe this week, with daffodils for all. This represents one of a number of initiatives as Generali Group hosts Together Week, from 10-14 March; a celebration of inclusion and gender equality.
This kicked-off last week with an internal GEB event, Celebrating Women, Inspiring Change, in line with International Women’s Day on 8 March. Organised in partnership with The Human Safety Net, an international foundation launched in 2017 by the Generali Group.
The session provided a platform for sharing experiences, celebrating achievements, and fostering a supportive environment for all women.
Together Week takes up where that event left off, with a variety of initiatives this week, culminating in a wrap-up event by Generali Group on 17 March, focused on inclusion and gender equality.
As part of this event, we hear about initiatives and stories from DEI Ambassadors. It’s an opportunity for our employees to connect and be inspired, and to reaffirm our shared commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.